Wednesday 30 November 2016

Psychology Test

Psychological Tests conducted in SSB are aimed at the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors. A highly qualified Psychologist will take your tests at SSB.
You will be brought under stress in Psychological tests by giving you very short time and then your potential will be judged by your answers which you have to write on the sheets provided to you.
You can take Psychology Tests in Civil Dress but our sugestion is that you must wear a proper dress which gives you a gentlemen look, however no one would point you for your dress except if it is completely unacceptable but by wearing a proper dress you yourself would feel positive which is utmost important in these tests.
Now, let us discuss the 4 Psychological tests in brief, you can get details of each and every task by clicking on the name of that particular task.
You will be shown 12 pictures and for each of the picture you have to write a story in 4 Minutes 
By this test psychologist judges you personality. In this test 60 words are shown to you one by one and each word is flashed for 15 seconds and within this time you have to write a meaningful sentence in your answer sheet.
You have to answer 60 common daily life situation in 30 minutes 
In this test you have two write what you think about the opinion which your Parents, Teachers, Friends have regarding you.
Note - The Psychology testing at Air Force Selection Boards i.e. at Dehradun, Varanasi, Mysore and Gandhinagar is generally conducted on Day 1. That is on the same day on which you will have your screening tests, so be mentally prepared for the tests as generally after the Screening candidates tends to get tired


How to clear “Screening Test” in SSB interview?

It’s a test for basic intelligence and IQ, generally done on the first day of SSB.
It comprises of two parts:
1. Written test – It is conducted in two parts. Both the parts have questions to be done in a limited time. These questions are nothing but to check your mental ability. It has verbal and non verbal questions.
In my view the questions are very easy and you can find these questions in any book you buy for ssb preparation. Don’t worry at all for these tests, they are really easy just be chill and confident.
2. PPDT – Picture Perception and Discussion Test
Basically screening is all about PPDT. Even if you have not performed well in written test just don’t worry , its not going to affect it anywhere (trust me ANYWHERE!!)
Firstly ,you will be shown a picture (blurred) .You are not able to see things clearly. But don’t worry about that. Write a story on whatever you have perceived.
(Example – 1. In my screening in Bangalore, I saw an anchor but it actually was a cake
2. In Allahabad I saw a horse but it was a boat)
and I cleared all the screenings so just don’t worry that what you see is right or wrong you will be given a sheet in which there will be a square block in which you have to point out the characters as you see them the things you have to indicate about the characters –
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Mood
Then you have to write action of your story and then a story.
NOTE- Do not worry about the story, your English, grammar or other things in screening just write a story what ever comes to your mind first WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT HOW IT LOOKS because honestly no body even checks your story , what matters is how you narrate it when your turn comes!!
NARRATION – The most important part. I strongly believe that screening depends 90% on your narration. They give you hardly 1 minute and you have to speak up you story.
The lifeline of your narration(screening) is as follow-
**remember to mention these five points in your narration 
1. Number of characters you saw in the picture
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Mood
5. Action of your story
You will not get more time and if you speak up this much only I guarantee that you are selected.
Its about your perception, remember to mention above 3 or 4 things in your narration!!
Points to remember while narrating –
  1. Speak up loud and clear with full confidence as if you are the best speaker in that room.
  2. Eye contact – Most important make eye contact with each and every candidate present.
  3. Be expressive – You should be able to express yourself in an understanding fashion!!
DISCUSSION – Now after everybody has narrated their story There is a discussion on it and the group has to come to a conclusion.
Points which will make you different from others and also increase your chance of getting selected –
1.  Your preparation for discussion starts from narration only-
Listen to what others are saying during their narration and pick up two or three points from other candidates
[ example== while narrating some candidate said some shit about “confidence”, pick this point from his story and keep it in mind ]
Now during discussion try to support him by pointing out his point of “confidence” you don’t have to keep bragging about his point , just mention it once or twice!!!
  1. If your story is far too different from what others have written just do not go bragging about your story only, support others.
  2. Give others a chance to speak and be chill and relaxed !!!!!

OIR Test questions

SSB OIR Test Sample Questions

On day 1 of SSB interview candidates have to face the screening test, two rounds are conducted under this – first OIR test and second is PPDT (picture perception and description test). Merit is created on the basis of candidate’s performance in both the tests. We can say that the first test conducted in SSB interview is Officer Intelligence Rating Test, OIR test is a written exam consisting of 54-55 questions consisting simple linguistic, logical, analytical, and mathematical questions to test the common sense of the candidates.
Officer Intelligence Rating Test Syllabus
Officer Intelligence Rating Test consists of two sections Verbal and Non-verbal:
Verbal section in Officer Intelligence Rating Test consists of questions based on topics such as: Relationship, Jumbled words, Coding/Decoding, Multiple choice question,  Antonym and synonym, reconstruction of sentence, one word substitution, Odd one out, common sense and alphabet test, Arithmetic questions.
Non-verbal section in Officer Intelligence Rating Test consist of questions based on topics such as: Which figure is different from the other, Completion of series, Locate the concealed figure, Fill in the correct figure.

SSB OIR Test Sample Questions

SSB OIR Test Sample Questions
Numerical Ability – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
Q. By how many degrees a minute hand rotates in 45 minutes
  • 90o
  • 180o
  • 270o
  • 45o
Absurd Statements and Statement Justification – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
Instructions: A statement has been provided in the question; choose from the option if the statement
Q. Milky Way is galaxy from which we get milk when it rains
  • True
  • False
  • Probable
  • Absurd
Similar Cubes – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
Instructions: Find if the following cubes are similar or not, choose yes or no from the option
Officer Intelligence Rating Test

(a) Yes
(b) No
Cube Sets – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
Officer Intelligence Rating Test
  • Cube A
  • Cube B
  • Cube C
  • None of the above
Last Digit – Officer Intelligence Rating 
Q. Write the last digit of the smallest number from the following given
467922, 468910, 461093, 497252
Series Completion – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
Instruction: Choose the correct alternative and complete the given series
Q. 1, 3, 5, 7, ___
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
Coding and Decoding – Officer Intelligence Rating Test
  1. If in a certain language, DELHI is coded as EFMIJ, how is BOMBAY coded in that code ?
How to Prepare for Officer Intelligence Rating Test
The common misconception about OIR test is that it didn’t get much weightage as compare to PPDT in assessment. It is a set of both verbal and nonverbal reasoning test. The candidate has to solve more number of questions in less time. Candidates have to atleast clear this exam with minimum cut off marks no matter how well his/her PPDT has gone.
There are no shortcuts when it comes to Officer Intelligence Rating test preparation, candidate has to go through the syllabus and pick the topics one by one and start preparing for it, more a candidate practice on the topics the better his/her performance will be. The questions asked in Officer Intelligence Rating Test are very basic and can be mastered with a little bit of daily practice.

Types Of Entries To join Indian Armed Forces as a Officer

Types of Entry to Join Indian Armed Forces as an Officer

Types of Entry to Join Indian Armed Forces as an Officer:

There many types of entry to join Indian Armed Forces as an Officer. First types of entry are for under-graduate students and second types of entry are for graduate’s student. Here are different ways through which a person can join Indian Army as an Officer. Type of entry are mentioned below-


NDA Entry: (National Defence Academy)

This entry is for students who have cleared the exams of 12th class. In this type of entry a person have to give a written exam for NDA. After clearing the exam the person has to face the SSB Interview of 5 days. If a person clears written exam and SSB Interview then he have to spend –

Three year at National Defence Academy (Khadakwasla, Maharashtra) 
One year at Indian Military Academy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand)

Entry TES: (Technical Entry Scheme)

This entry is for students who have cleared the 12th class having subject PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Math’s) with minimum 70% percent an above in PCM. But student are advised to score as much as possible. Having this criteria fulfill a person has to face the SSB Interview of 5 days. If a person clears the SSB Interview then he has to spend-

Four years as Pre-commissioned Training
One year as Post-commissioned Training, Officers Training Academy


UES Entry: (University Entry Scheme)

This entry is for students who are in pre-final of their graduation (third year). First they have to appear for a small interview which goes around for 40-45 minutes. After clearing this he is eligible to appear for SSB Interview of 5 days. If a person clears the SSB Interview then he has to spend-

 One year at Indian Military Academy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand).

NOTE: *Only Engineering Degree is required.
             * Awarded 1 years ante date seniority only to Tech Graduate

CDS Entry: (Combined Defence Service)

This entry is for students who have cleared the written exam by UPSC. After clearing the written exam a person has to face the SSB Interview of 5 days. If a person clears the SSB Interview then he has to spend-
One year and six months at Indian Military Academy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand).

TGC Entry: (Technical Graduation Course)

This entry is for students who have done their graduation (Engineering Degree). After this depends on the cut-off by Selection Board a person has to appear for the SSB Interview of 5 days. If a person clears the SSB Interview then he has to spend-

One year at Indian Military Academy (Dehradun, Uttarakhand).

NOTE: *Only Engineering Degree is required.
             * Awarded 1 years ante date seniority only to Tech Graduate

SSC Entry: (Short Service Commission)

This entry is for both Male as well as Female. This entry is for students who have done their graduation (Engineering Degree). After this depends on the cut-off by Selection Board a person has to appear for the SSB Interview of 5 days. If a person clears the SSB Interview then he has to spend-  

One year at Officers Training Academy.

Monday 28 November 2016


5 Days SSB Schedule :

Reporting Day: The day of reporting at the SSB board, followed by document check and form filling[PIQ forms]. You are suppose to report at the place mentioned in the call letter, mostly you are asked to report at MCQ [Moment Control Office]. You will not find any difficult in doing so because there are many other candidates who reports on the same day, so you may find one or two.
[ For some entries reporting day and Screening day are same, please follow your call letters for correct information ]
Note: For some entries reporting day and screening[PPDT] are same, when your reporting time is early like 0700 hours then your screening day will be on the very first day(reporting day)

Stage-1 Testing

1. Screening : Screening process is to pick up some potential candidates from all those who  have reported for the particular entry. It consist of few activities like:
  • Verbal and Non-verbal Test: Nothing hard, to be true, doesn’t need any preparation too. But it is always good to go well prepared, you can check some verbal and non-verbal sample questions here. After this test you will get some rest, and later proceed for PPDT.
  • PPDT:  We have already talked so much about PPDT in later posts, this consist of story writing and discussion. You will be shown a picture for 30 secs, later you have to write a story based on the picture you have seen in 3 mins, after that, you will be divided into sub groups of 14-15 members, firstly each candidates will narrate his/her story which is  followed by the group discussion on the picture, among the group members. You can find more details here. Keep in mind that PPDT is the most important part which helps you to clear screening and  takes you to stage-2 testing.
  • Results of Screening:  After the compeltion of PPDT, you will get some rest for  2-3 hours and lunch too. Your screening results will be declared after it, selected candidates are allotted with new chest numbers. Rest of the candidates gets their TA and dropped backed to the railway station or bus stand.

Stage-2 Testing

Congrats to all who clears first stage of testing, now your real battle starts, loosing the stage-2 battle is very painful for most of us, but a good preparation can fulfill your dream to join Indian defence forces.
2. Psychological Test: It is a battery of projective tests, all tests are used to check the psychological suitability of the candidate to be an officer. Candidates are required to write their responses based on the particular test. Here the time limit is very crucial , so you are required to write your first response in time.
Battery of Test: 
  1. Thematic Apperception Test [TAT]
  2. Word Association Test [WAT]
  3. Situation Reaction Test [SRT]
  4. Self Description Test [ SD]
What to do ??
  • TAT: You will be shown 11 pictures in which last picture is will be a blank slide, each picture will come just for 30 seconds and then disappear, after that you will get 4 minutes time to write the story based on that picture. After 4 mins another picture will come for 30 seconds and same process will be followed till last slide {blank slide }.
  • WAT: You will be shown 60 words back to back, each word will remains on the screen for 15secs , in 15secs you are required to write a sentence which comes  in your mind first after reading that word. Likewise you have to write 60 words continuously without any pause in between.
  • SRT: You will get a booklet with 60 situations written on it, you are required to write your responses based on those 60 situations, time allotted will be 30 mins.
  • SD: You are required to write opinion about you from your parents, friends, teachers, yourself and thing you would like to develop in future. Time allotted will be 15 mins.

Its all about your speed of thinking and writing, do not maupaltes much because it may create problem for you in later stage. Write legible and correct.

3. GTO: This is also has a series of outdoor task, the main aim of this task is to judge your qualities during group performance, remember most of the task in this series are group task, you are required to support the group with best of your qualities and not to compete with them in any manner.
Series of Tests:
  • GD: Back to back group discussion on two topics, mostly current affairs.
  • GPE: Group Planning Exercise, each candidate has to write his planning for the mentioned problem and map given, later group members are required to discuss on the problem and have to come with a common plan with common consensus. Later one of the group member has to explain the common planning with the help of pointer and map.
  • PGT: Progressive Group Task, you are required to cross some obstacles with the help of supporting materials like rope, plank, wood log etc. Some rules are required to be followed during this task, it a full group activity.
  • HGT: Half Group Task, mostly same as PGT but the number of group members will be half, you may get more chance to show your potential.
  • IOT: Individual Obstacles Task, you are required to attempt 10 obstacles individually, each obstacle consist of some points from 1 to 10.
  • Command Task: You will be a commander in this task, you are required to cross some obstacles with the help of 2-3 subordinates. You can choose 2-3 candidates from your own group whom you think can help you to clear the obstacles.
  • Snake race/Group Obstacle Race: All group members will be competing with other groups,   members will be holding a snake like rope, they are required to cross certain obstacles with the snake. There are certain rules like all other tasks. It is kind of race among different groups, its a fun.
Individual Lecturette: Each candidate will be giving lecture for 3 mins on a topic selected by him/her. You will get 4 topics out of which you have to select one topic.
FGT: Final Group Task, same like PGT, just like another chance to show your potential.

4. Personal Interview: It is a main key which decides your recommendation in the SSB Interview, SSB Interview questions and answers plays vital role in the assessment of the candidate. How to face the IO[ Interviewing officer]  in the SSB PI[ SSB Personal Interview] is the major concern here, one wrong move can tarnish your image and reduce your chances to get recommend.
 5. Conference: Each candidates will be facing all SSB board members, he will face few general questions like how was your stay or what did you learn from this, conference is just to decide whether or not to recommend you as an officer in Indian defence forces. All assessors collectively decide your suitability, for some candidates those who are in border line, may face certain questions, which can be decisive one. It hardly goes for 1-2 mins.

Thanks to SSB Bhopal for producing such an informative video for all aspirants.