Saturday 10 December 2016

GPE -2


You are 8 College hostel students traveling in a jeep from City Mango to attend your room mate’s marriage at Vill Apple at 2000 hrs. You are stopped by a beautiful girl in teens with a request to help her punctured Scooty. She was in panic, which you found that she is the sister of the bride of the same marriage you are going to attend and her bride sister has just been kidnapped by her lover and she was following to catch them. At the same time, you hear from a boy that his house has been completely damaged by an aircraft crash with 150 passengers on board just now and he is rushing to info his father.  He also tells that he overheard near the Temple that 5 dacoits with guns were planning to loot your own marriage party. There is a BSF Bn in Vill Orange, but their jawans are away on night firing practice except 25 men with rifles doing sentry/allied duties. There is a hospital in Vill Banana with 5 beds only. The time now is – 1800 hrs. As young and energetic students how will you handle this situation. Note cellphones are not working in that area.

Comment  your answers below 

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