Thursday 2 March 2017



Candidates gets rejected due to low assimilation skills which is immediately noticed by highly experienced assessors. Candidates do not have the clear idea of what he has seen in picture or what he has written in the story.
Candidate is completely detached from what is shown in the picture this becomes one of the reasons for getting screened out in ssb.


Candidate is not able to express his ideas and views clearly, nobody is able to get what he wanted to say exactly, as he had poor communication skills. If you are not able to express yourself infront of a group then how you will be able to express your views in future. This also becomes one of the reasons for getting screened out in ssb interview.


Sometimes a negative scene may immediately trigger the negative thoughts in you and this negativity is reflected in the story candidate writes. In a given a situation you start thinking in a negative manner that can effect your decision making in future. This is why positive thinking will help you motivate yourself as well as your team.

4. LOW IQ :- 

It is the most important thing which is seen in the candidate to get recommended in ssb. If the candidate has low IQ i.e of two types :- 1. Basic intelligence 2. Effective Intelligence.
Basic Intelligence is which you solve in your OIR (Officer Intelligence Test) and Effective is the practical intelligence which you show during your stories, Gto, Psychology and Interview at the SSB. If the candidate lacks in these qualities then it becomes a factor of rejection for your ssb.


You must clear yourself in what is the difference between a healthy discussion and a debate.


Standing up, moving your body parts continuously , showing aggression all these show low confidence level and badly effect your performance.


If you don’t know the process in advance you will definitely lose few marks.


This is other method where candidates are judged in PPDT and can also screened out as they try to fool ssb by writing their own story and can’t see what was shown in the picture the number of people and the gender. Many times the picture shows a male person and people end up writing story on a female this clearly shows that you have written your own story which you have crammed.


Finally this is the last and also the most important factor which tells that why were you screened out? If candidate lacks in his imagination then he cannot see what picture is telling itself. When you are shown a story in PPDT and what you perceived tells everything about you and what you don’t shows you have a lack of imagination you cannot see what image says and you could have written in the story.

Saturday 18 February 2017


Personal Questions are those question which are directly related to you, and to those question the best person to give the answer is you. These question may vary for candidate to candidate but generally are in same line so you must introspect yourself to answer these questions.
Once an Interviewing Officer asked a candidate if I comes to your city then where you will take me around. The candidate said I will take you to disc. Then IO repeated this word three times disc!, disc!, disc! and then said is it disco. So, by this example we would like to tell you that don’t try to show off in the Interview and specially do not use your SMS language in Interview

Personal Questions
  1. Meaning of Father’s/Mother’s/Siblings/Your Own Name.
  1. Details about your religion and cast if you are strong follower to these things.
  1. Do you Have a Girl Friend if yes then ready for follow up questions and if No then why you don’t you have one.
  1. Your Liking and disliking of particular matter.
  1. Your comparison with your Father/Mother/Brother/Sibling.
  1. Questions about your School Life.
  1. Subjects and Teacher you like and whom you don’t like that much and why?.
  1. Among you Father and Mother whom you like the most and why?.
  1. Do you smoke or drink?.
The list of question doesn’t ends here but if you thinks before taking any action in your life then you can easily answer these questions. For example a candidate was having Biology and Mathematics in 12th class but he did B.Tech. So, the IO asked you were having Biology in +2 then why you didn’t became a Doctor. So from the example as the candidate decided to do B.Tech and this is his own choice so he can easily tell why he did that, no website, no book or coaching institute can give you reason for all these kind of questions you have to yourself justify your answers.


Those who are Recommended by SSB Boards will appear before the medical board for their medical examination. Generally Medical Board takes 4 to 5 days time to conduct complete Medical Exam of the candidates and thereafter Candidates are sent back to homes. Those who pass medical exam then waits for Merit list and if their name appears in Merit List then they are given joining instructions to join the  academy as per the course. Those who are apply for NDA are examined for both Army and Navy if they didn’t selected Air Force as their preference and those who opted for Air force are examined for various other additional medical standards which are particularly applicable for Flying branch.
What to do if you are not Medically Fit?
Friends first of all we would like to tell you that there are two type of Rejection by medical boards one is TR (Temporary Rejection) and another is PR (Permanent Rejection). For example if you are overweight then you will be Temporary Rejected and if you reduced your weight in the given time then you will be considered fit and let’s say if you have Color Blindness then you will be Permanently Rejected as it is not curable. If you are medically unfit then you will be given time of about 42 days to prove your medical fitness, for that you have to appeal to the Board. President of the board (Medical) will help you in Appealing for a Review Medical Exam. A Fee of Rs40. will be charged for filling appeal, Thereafter you have to report to Medical Board within the stipulated period i.e., 42 days.

List of Appeal Medical Hospitals
1.Command Hospital, Southern Command, Pune 2.Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt 3.Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Kolkata 4.Command Hospital, Central Command, Lucknow 5.Command Hospital, Western Command, Chandimandir 6.Command Hospital, Air Force, Bangalore 7.Command Hospital, Northern Command, C/o 56 APO 8.INHS, Ashvini, Mumbai
The exam at Appeal Medical Board will be completed in one day.
Stay during Medical Exam
You are required to follow proper discipline during your stay in the Centre and always wear your medical Chest Number when you are in Campus.
What to do if you declared Unfit by Appeal Medical Board?
If you are declared unfit by Appeal medical board then you may challenge the proceedings and may be granted review of medical proceedings based on the merit of the case. Review Medical Board (RMBs) are conducted at R&R Hospital Delhi Cantt and AFMC, Pune.
Note – The Medical Exam will not take place at Dehradun, Varanasi and Mysore board at these boards you will be given a separate date for medicals at Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME), New Delhi or Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bengaluru. It is advised that you should go for a Pre-Medical checkup before proceeding to SSB/Medical Board.

Saturday 28 January 2017

SSB Screening test

Screening Test comprises of three major activities, namely, OIR(Officers' Intelligence Rating) Test, PPDT(Picture Perception & Description Test) and the PPDT Group Discussion. The OIR Test entails verbal and non-verbal reasoning ability questions. The more you practice OIR Tests the better you will become. So long as you can procure more than 60% in this test you will be safe.
Be formally dressed and reach the PPDT Testing Hall well in advance to relax your nerves and be mentally prepared to think positive.
Performance in the PPDT assumes a great importance in clearing the Screening Test. I shall give some tips that you must keep in mind while going through this test.
PPDT Story Writing
  • Fill up details about the characters that you have perceived in the box as directed by the Psych during his briefing.
  • Look at the background of the hazy picture projected. The same would decide the setting of your story, i.e. rural, urban, market place, stadium, etc.
  • Now look at the foreground and see how many characters do you see in the picture.
  • Identify the main character and give him/her a name, you would invariably identify the main character closest to your own age group.
  • Write the Center Heading of you story, which will represent the action that you have perceived in the picture.
  • The story that you write must give out the following: What led to the scene that you have perceived, What is presently going on in the scene and what would be a logical outcome of the scene that you have perceived.
  • Remember the characteristics portrayed by the main character are a refection of your personality attributes. Also, the theme of the story will represent your mental make up, i.e. constructive/destructive, optimist/pessimist, etc.
  • Hence, write a positive, constructive, realistic and a story that depicts a mature mind who is very well informed. You could make a story on some current themes, e.g. Crime against women, ragging, infrastructure development, water conservation, communal harmony, etc.
  • You could show your awareness level by giving more of the actions done by the main character to achieve the goals that he set for himself.
  • Since, you only get 4 mins to write your story it must be concise and to the point.
PPDT Group Discussion
  • Most important part of this phase, is the individual narration of your story. Make sure that you are able to give out your story confidently, clearly and within one minute. Do rehearse it many times before you are called in for the discussion.
  • Listen to everyone's story very intently and identify the common thread emerging in their stories.
  • Do not promote your own story, but, go on to support the common theme of the story.
  • Do not contribute with low level inputs like, how many characters, what were their ages, etc, but give quality contribution that shows your general awareness.
  • Act as a moderator in the discussion by assisting the group to come to a common theme.
  • Encourage everyone to participate and be sensitive to other people's views. You should be seen as a very polite, decent and pleasant person.
  • Once a common theme has been selected by the group, participate with quality points that shows your high caliber and knowledge.
  • Do not loose your composure, do not get aggressive, and tactfully deal with some candidates who are group disruptive and rude.
  • Do not speak too long at one time, but, at the same time make sure that you are positively visible through out the discussion.
Finally, what matters the most in the PPDT, and for the final selection during the Screening Test, is the contents of your story, which should be closely connected to the present day socio-economic and geo-political environment, confident narration of your story and smart participation during the discussion. Remember you are in a show window and you are trying to sell yourself, so do everything that would impress the Group and the assessors.
All the best!