How I cleared SSB interview and you can too! – the easy way.

I have tried my best to bring out most of the things which must be kept in mind by a candidate.
SSB is based on principle of selecting suitable person for the job not the best person for the job. If a person is not selected in SSB that does not mean – She/He is a failure in life. It just means that – the person is not fit to become an officer.
We have so many great personalities around us who appeared in SSB but didn’t clear it and now there at the top of there field. For e.g. – Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Amitabh Harivansh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan & some more.
All of us make the first mistake by thinking SSB as another competition in our life but I must tell you, Its not a competition between you and others(your batch-mates). We can take it as a challenge by the standards set by DRDO to you to prove that you are up to that mark.
Not everyone is born with Officers Like Qualities(OLQs), over a period of time we automatically inculcate these qualities right from the childhood or right from our school going days, depends on the kind of environment. There are 14 to 17 approx OLQs which are derived from each other. In SSB, the assessors are looking not for a person who is consistent in his performance when she/he is put under various different situations.
Generally people ask, “How to prepare for SSB?”, You tell me – Is SSB an examination for which you need to study predefined books and prepare? I say ‘NO’. In SSB you are not judge on basis of what you did in college or school nor your marks in maths or science. It does not matter whether you were a topper or an average student during your school days. It does not matter at all.
What matters is, what you are? At present, during those five days when you are being tested. What totally counts is your conduct during those days . But a person will surely conduct himself in his true manners when he is put through various stages which has factors like time limit and performance pressure.
That was all talking I thought that would help you to understand the basic funda.
Now lets go to some of the what To Do’s and Don’ts for various stages of SSB:-
Firstly, as I told you its not a competition. So when you go to ssb you meet new people, so its better you make friends and not rivals. Because what I felt, if you have better understanding and cooperation between your group then there are higher chances of more number of candidates getting recommended.
Stage 1 –
1. PPDT –

a) Story writing –
i) Observe the picture carefully (which many of us ignore because we are all in hurry to start making story.)
ii) Make a blue print in your mind as to what you see in the picture and what will be your story.
iii) The story making secrete: Cause/problem(main issue) + Solution(action oriented) + hero(that’s you).
iv) Keep your story short, sweet and simple.
v) Don’t waste time in writing a story for The times of India. From my side write in most layman’s language.
b) Discussion –
i) For god sake! Its a discussion, so discuss and don’t try to put each other down.
ii) Aim is to come to a common story. Its better to cooperate or because its of no use cursing each other after getting S/O.
iii) Don’t become a spectator there(I have seen people speaking nothing at all in discussion). Speak up, give chance to judge you.
iv) And for those Heavy Machine Guns(that’s what I call them) who open fire like anything even before asked to. Hold your horses. You are doing more harm than any good to your self. Let others speak.
v) Be creative, think out of box and try to make a common story by merging maximum two to three stories.
vi) Don’t narrate a different story from what you have written. You can add few points, in case you could not write due to lack of time.
vii) Be confident! Here you can show your communication skill and convincing ability also, if required.
viii) One should know when to speak, when to give chance to others and more important of all : when to keep one’s mouth shut.
ix) The more one speaks; the more one tends to exhibit “bond like” traits in his personality.
2. Psychology Test :-
a) Word Association Test(WAT) –
i) Write short and simple sentences.
ii) Don’t give second thought, once the word is flashed. If you try to think and write, you will miss a word or two.
iii) Just be positive.
iv) be careful about handwriting, that does matter.
ii) Don’t give second thought, once the word is flashed. If you try to think and write, you will miss a word or two.
iii) Just be positive.
iv) be careful about handwriting, that does matter.
b) Thematic Appreciation Test(TAT) –
i) Follow the points given for PPDT.
ii) Just remember that write your story in brief.
iii) Don’t make it complicated.|
iv) Blank picture: In this write a story which relates to you in real.
ii) Just remember that write your story in brief.
iii) Don’t make it complicated.|
iv) Blank picture: In this write a story which relates to you in real.
c) Situation Reaction Test(SRT) –
1) Be sensible, write practical situation.
2) Show action happening, explain.
3) Do not act like a superhero.
4) Do not skip a situation in between, it projects that you are trying to avoid or run away from that situation.
5) Do not waste too much time thinking on a single situation.
Good e.g: She calls for help and ties her scarf on leg to stop bleeding.
Bad e.g: He will jump out of the window and save the falling cat.
2) Show action happening, explain.
3) Do not act like a superhero.
4) Do not skip a situation in between, it projects that you are trying to avoid or run away from that situation.
5) Do not waste too much time thinking on a single situation.
Good e.g: She calls for help and ties her scarf on leg to stop bleeding.
Bad e.g: He will jump out of the window and save the falling cat.
d) Self Description –
1) Write the truth, project yourself in the best real way.
2) Take help from your friends, teachers and parents. Ask their opinion about yourself.
3) Can prepare in advance.
4) Introspect, to know about your strength and weaknesses.
5) Do not copy what you read in some book or website.
6) Your only chance to communicate with psychologist and tell about you in simple words.
2) Take help from your friends, teachers and parents. Ask their opinion about yourself.
3) Can prepare in advance.
4) Introspect, to know about your strength and weaknesses.
5) Do not copy what you read in some book or website.
6) Your only chance to communicate with psychologist and tell about you in simple words.
INTERVIEW – This is the most easiest phase of ssb as far as I think because for this step you need not prepare or practice anything. Interview always revolves around the candidates past, present and future. You will be questioned about your studies, hobbies, like & dislikes, friends, enemy, some social problem(not always), why army?, your views on politics.
In interview your memory, communication, honesty, reaction, way of expression, understanding, is checked.
Before going for interview drink a glass of water and take 5 deep breathes it really helps to relax you and say to yourself “I will do good” and enter.

During Interview –
1) Interviewer is not a monster from fiction movie, calm down and communicate freely, who knows this might be your only chance.
2) Speak truth and only truth. No bluffing, beating around the bush.
3) Try to answer question in the sequence asked.
4) It is right to say “I don’t know” rather than telling fairy tales.
5) You are not required to know all the answers, as interviewer will not ask all the questions from you.
6) Do not try to be someone you are not.
2) Speak truth and only truth. No bluffing, beating around the bush.
3) Try to answer question in the sequence asked.
4) It is right to say “I don’t know” rather than telling fairy tales.
5) You are not required to know all the answers, as interviewer will not ask all the questions from you.
6) Do not try to be someone you are not.
If your interview is after GTO, then:
1) Talk about your group, team and not only how well you did in individual obstacle and command task.
2) Do not project yourself as a hero and the only hero of team, that you did everything.
3) Do not criticize anyone.
4) Appreciate and acknowledge others’ help in your team’s victory.
2) Do not project yourself as a hero and the only hero of team, that you did everything.
3) Do not criticize anyone.
4) Appreciate and acknowledge others’ help in your team’s victory.
During my interview, I was very relaxed and throughout interacted with IO as a friend. It went very smooth. Didn’t realise when three quarters of an hour flew.
GROUND TASK – In this phase of ssb you are observed on ground. How good you are as a member of team, as an individual, as a commander, as a subordinate in achieving the goal. Things observed are practical application of theoretical knowledge, orator skill, physical robustness, intelligence, problem solving ability, time management.
a) Group discussion –

1) Follow golden rule – Speak and let other speak.
2) Add quality to discussion not quantity.
3) Pay attention to what others have to say, by nodding(not like a maniac) or maintaining eye contact.
4) Don’t disagree with other, don’t try to prove them wrong instead put your own point across.
5) Subject knowledge – very much required.
6) Don’t be in hurry to end or conclude the discussion, GTO is there to end it.
2) Add quality to discussion not quantity.
3) Pay attention to what others have to say, by nodding(not like a maniac) or maintaining eye contact.
4) Don’t disagree with other, don’t try to prove them wrong instead put your own point across.
5) Subject knowledge – very much required.
6) Don’t be in hurry to end or conclude the discussion, GTO is there to end it.
b) Lecturette –
1) Prepare the outline of your lecture in the given 2/3 minutes.
2) Be brief.
3) Utilize time completely and don’t overshoot your speech.
4) Maintain eye contact with your groupmates & not the GTO.
5) Be firm and loud enough.
6) Controlled use of hand and overall body language.
2) Be brief.
3) Utilize time completely and don’t overshoot your speech.
4) Maintain eye contact with your groupmates & not the GTO.
5) Be firm and loud enough.
6) Controlled use of hand and overall body language.
c) Group Planning Exercise(GPE) –
1) Keep the time and distance factor in mind, most of us ignore this easily.
2) Use the resources available in situation.
3) Prioritize the problems in order of importance.
4) Be reasonable in your solution.
5) Avoid red heir or take care of it in the end.
6) Follow basic rules in discussion.
2) Use the resources available in situation.
3) Prioritize the problems in order of importance.
4) Be reasonable in your solution.
5) Avoid red heir or take care of it in the end.
6) Follow basic rules in discussion.
d) Command Task –
1) Observe and understand the problem once for all.
2) Do not take help of subordinates.
3) Do not allow subordinate to break any rules, at all.
4) Do not give up, on average a obstacle has 2/3 solutions.
5) Call for good subordinates and not good commanders.
6) Resourcefulness of subordinate can’t be used but they have to be good in obeying order.
2) Do not take help of subordinates.
3) Do not allow subordinate to break any rules, at all.
4) Do not give up, on average a obstacle has 2/3 solutions.
5) Call for good subordinates and not good commanders.
6) Resourcefulness of subordinate can’t be used but they have to be good in obeying order.
e) Half Group Task, Progressive Group Task and Final Group Task –
1) For god sake stop don’t run behind the Balli(stick), fatta(plank) and rassi(rope).
2) Help others in crossing.
3) Give your ideas when everyone is busy thinking.
4) Think for next obstacle if you couldn’t help in the previous one.
5) Don’t fight or snatch the helping materials. (Yes, people do that.)
6) Don’t keep on shouting like a maniac to get them to use your solution or for helping material.
2) Help others in crossing.
3) Give your ideas when everyone is busy thinking.
4) Think for next obstacle if you couldn’t help in the previous one.
5) Don’t fight or snatch the helping materials. (Yes, people do that.)
6) Don’t keep on shouting like a maniac to get them to use your solution or for helping material.
f) Individual Obstacle –
1) Try to do as many as you can.
2) More than 10 obstacle will give you sure advantage.
3) Go in an orderly manner(sequence), you will not miss any.
4) Plan your order of proceeding in advance.
5) Don’t get hurt unnecessarily.
6) Don’t hesitate to jump, or leap.
2) More than 10 obstacle will give you sure advantage.
3) Go in an orderly manner(sequence), you will not miss any.
4) Plan your order of proceeding in advance.
5) Don’t get hurt unnecessarily.
6) Don’t hesitate to jump, or leap.

I have covered mostly everything in these four stages of SSB. If you have any doubts leave a comment and if you found this helpful then do share with your friends.
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